“It is far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than buying a fair company at a wonderful price.....”

—Warren Buffett
“Invest within your circle of competence, and stock within it. The size of that circle is not very important; knowing its boundaries, however, is vital….. Risk lies in not knowing what you ae doing…...”

—Warren Buffett
“In a crazy way, I look at Berkshire as a painting, and it’s unlimited in size.. and I paint what I want.....”

—Warren Buffett
“Ben has passed it to us without asking for anything.. I think we should pass it on…..”

—Warren Buffett
“In my life, I have met many great teachers. I would feel flattered if people say that I have certain elements of a teacher......”

—Warren Buffett
“True success in life is “when the number of people you want to have loved you actually do love you......”

—Warren Buffett