「華嚴最初三七日 阿含十二方等八 二十二年般若談 法華涅槃共八載.....」*


色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色....」*



「今身難得今已得 佛法難聞今已聞 今生不向此身渡 更待何時渡此身.....」*

Ending Reflections

It is next to impossible to draw conclusions from the thoughts of the 10 thinkers, with each of them being a giant in his own right in many senses of the word.
That said, we would think that the attached videos about a song sung by a 11 year old Mongolian boy in an open competition would help to provide an interesting end to this session.
The name of the song is literally “The Eji in Dream”, with Eji meaning mother in Mongolian language. Both the mother and father of the boy passed away in car accidents.
Wittgenstein was said to have once made a remark that kissing the photo of a deceased loved ones constitutes one good example of a great human action. And we do think that the word “wish” in human language is much more meaningful and profound than many have realised.
In the beginning of the competition event, the 11 year old boy was asked what is his dream. His answer was: I would love to be able to invent a MAGIC whereby when one just makes a touch on the ground, then the whole world would be turned into a land of green grassses.
The lyrics shown up in the video are not related to the song ; but is a largely written by a Buddhist and Humanistic organisation in Taiwan, which has probably found that this song sung of the 11 year old boy somehow magically provided the right mood to read those words which is about the Buddhist view about what human life is all about. We have made slight modifications to those lyrics made by the Taiwanese institution. Any errors or misrepresentation shall be our responsibilities and our responsibilities only.
We however have not provided any definitive conclusion; nor shall we ever attempt to. In this sense, our approach to introduce these 10 thinkers resemble more the later work of Wittgenstein in that we have deliberately tried to make them look more like “an album” or “sketches of landscape”.
It was recorded that Wittgenstein has once described his way to do philosophy as like a tourist guide trying to introduce to others about the City of London. While most tourist guides would mainly bring people to visit the classic landmarks of the city, his approach is rather idiosyncratic and he would mainly bring people to various side streets in London, some of which are narrow and unknown to many. However, after walking back and forth for a number of times along these streets, he expects the people going with him to be able to develop some “feel” about what the City of London is like.
And this is what we are aiming at: to facilitate our readers to develop his her own “feel” about these 10 thinkers. And we also have to say that the way we select the quotes on these thinkers are rather idiosyncratic, reflecting mainly our perspective on their lives and thoughts and our methodology that the thoughts of a man or woman cannot be separated from his/ her own life and that the later can often provide an illuminating perspective to understand the former.
As such, we are seeking more to introduce and provoke interest on these 10 thinkers which we believe do well-deserve the interest and respect from the Humanities. Any errors and misinterpretations, of course, would be our responsibilities,and our responsibilities only.