The Hong Kong Heritage

“Let us preserve and build On the Heritages of Hong Kong and others”

  • We seek to “Create Virtues out of Necessity”
  • We seek to enrich the development of cities based on the ideas and vision of Adam Smith
  • We seek to blend the civilization of the East and the West
  • We preserve heritage brands and heritage of human achievements
  • We modernize ; promote and integrate heritage brand and heritage of human achievements into the modern world

“Crafting the Future, Leveraging on our Heritages, East and West, past and Present.”

Voyage On The Virtues Created By Necessity

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

Voyage On The Development Of Cities

“We seek to enrich the development of cities, through using the ideas of Adam Smith”

Voyage On The East And The West

“We seek to engender a cross-fertilization between the civilization of the East and the West.”

Voyage On Heritage Brands And Human Achievements

“We seek to preserving heritage brands and heritages of human achievements.”

Voyage On Heritage And Modernity

“ We aspire to be the buyer of choice or keeper of choice for all those great heritage brands ; ideas and achievements in the history of humanities that are created by human beings who have lived. And we concur with Oscar Wilde that Living is one of the rarest thing in this world. Most people just exist, that’s all.”

Oxford, London And Hong Kong

“Created at Oxford, sharing with the world via London and HK”

Let us Begin

Our mission is to kick-start the first “single-step” of five journeys, each of which shall involve several thousand miles and each of which we trust should have positive contribution to make for the Betterment of Humanities.

Central and fundamental to our belief and endeavour is Adam Smith’s insight that mankind is at once both a self-interest oriented speice and a “social creature” capable of “virtue” so that when certain members of the society can provide the goodwill to kick-start he first initiative, it will likely be able to catch the attention of the “invisible hand” eventually which would then help to bring in the help from other members of the society so that when combined together, that could  help to “convert the private interests and passions” of them into “a better society for all,” probably without any need that any of them knowing or intending for anything about the consequences of their varied and diverse human actions.

We seek to illustrate that the above of what Adam Smith has thought to be conceivable is actually still realistic and achievable in today’s world which in turn could help to stimulate others to embark on endeavours of similar nature, thus kick-starting what we would describe as a self-sustaining and snowballing Virtuous Cycle. 

Given the pioneering and experimental nature of our endeavour and all the  constraints in life, we have found that what we want to be able to do are far beyond the capability of us alone. We therefore would like to seek for the support and participation of all our fellow individual, corporate and other citizens of the world so that our experiments and endeavours can continue to carry on; and that we would  be able to continue to fine-tune and improve them along the way. That, too, perhaps could make the journeys of life of both ourselves and those who join with us becoming somewhat more interesting and fulfilling.

And based on the OxsightHumanities paradigm on Philanthropy which is inspired by the thoughts of Adam Smith, what generates the most profound  and lasting impact over time, perhaps,  is the very act of “beneficence” itself from a growing number of free and autonomous individuals and entities from a growing number of places in the world more than anything else.

So, Let us Begin.

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Account Details for Donation

NAME:  The Hong Kong Heritage 


Bank: Lloyd’s bank


SORT CODE: 30-99-50

Making a payment from outside the UK?

IBAN:  GB92 LOYD 3099 5013 5824 62